Submit your work to DigitalCommons@Lesley by completing the following steps:
- Go to DigitalCommons@Lesley and click on "Submit Research" to begin the submission process.
- Choose the type of work you plan to submit (ex. CLAS Senior Thesis).
- Create a new account by choosing Sign Up (unless you already have a Digital Commons login). This account does not use your Lesley password. Please create your own unique password!
- Enter your personal information and password—make sure you have access to the email account you use to signup. Then retrieve and click on the link in the email.
- You will then be directed to a submission agreement form. Read it carefully and then click that you agree to submit your work.
- You will then be prompted to fill out a submission form that includes the title of your portfolio/capstone/thesis/dissertation, your adviser(s), the abstract, keywords, subject categories, creative commons licensing, and supplemental materials (if applicable).