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× Sherrill Library will be closed from May 18 - September 2 due to construction. Services by Appointment: Research Consultations, Library Instruction, Pick Up appointments

Moriarty Library will be open May 28 - August 16, Monday - Thursday from 10am-6pm, Friday from 9am-noon. Closed weekends and holidays.

As always, our web resources are available 24/7. Questions? Our Chat and Ask Us! services are available Monday-Thursday, 10am-6pm and Friday 9am-noon.


Find Sound Clips

Still image from old filmYou can use copyrighted materials in your classwork, as long as it's not published publicly.  However, if you're going to publish anything online, you need to make sure you have the right to reproduce all the images, video clips, and sounds you use.

Check out these resources, which have Creative Commons licenses that tell you exactly how you're allowed to use them, and make it easy to attribute the work to the creator!