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Early Childhood Education

Alison Gopnik: What Do Babies Think?

"Babies and young children are like the R&D division of the human species," says psychologist Alison Gopnik. Her research explores the sophisticated intelligence-gathering and decision-making that babies are really doing when they play.

Classroom Resources

The Sherrill Library has a special resource for educators, therapists, counselors to use called the Teaching Resource Center, which is a collection of manipulatives, textbooks, picture books, leveled readers and juvenile fiction and non fiction.

The most effective way to search the collection is to go to the FLO catalog, select the "Advanced Search" option and scroll down the "Location" tab option to find "Lesley-Sherrill Teaching Resources Collection".  Once you have that highlighted, go back above to the search box and start searching!



Manipulatives refer to various objects or materials that students can touch and move around in order to help them learn key educational or social/emotional concepts.

Baby Turtle Hand Puppet

Beginning Math Roll & Learn

Sing a Song of Poetry

Using Cuisenaire Rods : Addition & Subtraction.