When doing research, try starting with @LL Search, it searches everything @ Lesley Library, including journal databases, book catalogs, eBook libraries, encyclopedia entries, newspaper articles, and streaming media!
Keep in mind that there are different categories of information, and as a designer you often need to look for popular, trade, and scholarly sources! You can't tell if something is reliable information based on where you found it, you have to look into the author to see if they are an expert, so you can find a lot of reliable information for free on the web in addition to searching for library for resources that we pay for. Google searching is easier because they can tell what you're trying to say and you don't have to be as careful about keywords, but the library pays for a bunch of stuff you can't find for free on the web, so it's important to do both!
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1801 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
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Cambridge, MA 02138