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Lesley Library UTC

Lesley University Library services for MEd students at the Urban Teaching Center

Featured Databases

Use the Best Search Terms

Let the database thesaurus be your guide!

Many databases offer a Thesaurus or dictionary of subject terms. Look for the link at the top of the database screen.You will also see subject terms on the side of the results screen or on the abstract screen. Here are some examples:

  • academic achievement
  • assessment OR evaluation
  • educational history (for history of education)
  • teacher attitudes (for opinions, point of view, concerns, etc.)
  • (controvers* OR opposition OR challenge OR advantage OR disadvantage OR debate) for "pros and cons"

    ERIC: Search the Database

    Sample Search:  (technology integration OR educational technology) AND teaching methods AND (elementary education OR secondary education OR middle school OR early childhood)

    Sample Search:  inclusive schools and (controvers* OR opposition OR challenge OR advantage OR disadvantage OR debate)

    ProQuest Education Journals: Search the Database

    Sample Search: "english as a second language" OR "bilingual education") AND "academic achievement"