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Research Methods & Studies

What is Arts Based Research?

What is Art-Based Research?
Arts-Based Research (ABR) can be defined in multiple ways.* One definition, "Arts-based research is simply defined by its use of the arts as objects of inquiry as well as modes of investigation” (McNiff, 1988 p. 15). Generally speaking, ABR is the use of artistic activity within the research process. For example, “...making one large painting over the course of a year which would focus on [the researcher's] relationship with her mother” (McNiff, 1988 p. 24).

For the most part, ABR is a type of qualitative research. It is the integration of art-making as another way of obtaining additional information (that maybe would have otherwise been inaccessible) to explore, understand and represent human action and experience. All this is accomplished while seemingly free from the barriers most scholarly and academic work tend to include, and thus has the potential to reach a broader, more diverse audience.

Some potential examples of ABR are:

  • The use of art-journaling from participants in a study about clinical depression, where the product (the art journal) is used to facilitate and enlighten conversations and themes around the mental illness.
  • Researching studies on post-traumatic stress disorders, then creating and performing a play on PTSD, pulled from personal experience, with the audience reaction and feedback used as focus groups to generate new data.
  • Researching the idea of identity by incorporating the use of photography on mixed-race participants as they reflected on their lives and using the photographs to create narratives and discussion.


* NOTE: When in doubt, and your concerns are specific to an assignment or class, defer to the definition(s) to which your professor subscribes.

Partial Lexicon for Arts Based Research

Which term(s) should I use to search for Arts Based Research?
Arts Based Research (ABR) can be found using many different terms. Below is a working list of the different terms used to describe the use of art and art-making in the research process. Searching for ABR will be a bit of trial-and-error to find the 'best' term(s) for your research topic. 

Partial List of Terms for Arts Based Research

Finding Arts Based Research

How can I find Art Based Research?
There's a few ways to search for Art Based Research. You can try searching for sources by using keywords like "art based research" or "art based inquiry" AND a specific expressive therapy modality. (Please refer to the list of potential keywords below to help with your searching.)

Searching for ABR with a specific ET modality.

Click the image above (or here) to see search results in the database: All Search. 

Or you can search for ABR by searching for "arts based research" or art based inquiry" AND specific interventions or methods.

Searching for ABR and a specific intervention or method.

Click the image above (or here) to see search results in the database: All Search.

Art Based Research Videos (via YouTube)