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How do I put a book on hold to pick up later?

If Lesley has a print book that you would like to place on hold to pick up at a later time in either the Sherrill or Moriarty library, you must:

  • Search for book title in FLO catalog.
  • Click on the title to open the record.
  • Click on “Make a Request” (under “Actions” on right-side of screen).
  • Login using your Lesley ID card’s barcode or student ID number, and last name.
  • Click on “Request from other library" (even if it is one of our copies).
  • Be sure to “Choose your pick-up library” (only Sherrill or Moriarty) using the drop-down menu.
  • Click “Submit.”

You will be notified via your Lesley email when your item has been pulled and ready for pick up. Note that the hold will expire ten days after that. If it is not picked up within those ten days, it will be returned to the shelf for circulation.

If you would like to place holds on a book that has already been checked out, follow the steps indicated at the bottom of this page.