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I Want To Report A Problem With A Library Resource

The most common issue with a library resource is gaining access to it. Typically, such a problem can be solved by simply logging in properly. Navigating to the library website through Blackboard does not ensure that you are logged in. If you reached the search results page and were not prompted to log in via the yellow bar, try clearing your cache. We are always happy to assist with access issues, but we recommend trying these common troubleshooting tips first; this may allow you to gain access without waiting for a reply back (especially during those late-night study sessions). 

If you are still encountering problems accessing a resource, such as a database, article, journal, etc., please e-mail your librarians. For best results, please include screenshots of the error message and details about the steps you took to access the resource and the web browser and device you are using. The more information that you provide, the better equipped we are to help find a solution, so please include any information you think may be tangentially relevant (the link you followed, the browser you're using, your star chart, the citation manager you use, anything). We'll be happy to help you out--just Ask Us!